Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Volcanoes in the Arctic

It's not the biggest out there, but the Arctic Circle is home to the northernmost active volcano on Earth! With an elevation of 7,470ft, is the Beerenberg volcano.

                                          Picture of the Beerenberg volcano on a sunny day

It has been very active between 1732 and 1985, with a recorded six eruptions! This is a subduction zone, which occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another and then sinks. This is known to pose the greatest risk for civilizations.

                               In this image, you can see the locations of 4 of the volcanic eruptions

When you see it in person, most people just think its a regular mountain. This is because it is a stratovolcano that is completely covered in glaciers.

                         Camping on this "mountain" might be the biggest mistake of your life!

Did you know???
  Scientists have found that a ridge below the north polar ice cap is full of volcanic activity! This has vents of superheated water, which could hold undiscovered species!


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