Thursday, December 13, 2012

Final Assessment

The Arctic Circle would seem like an otherworldly planet to most people, with the sky and ground both bright white, and sometimes going days without seeing another living thing. But it can be more than just a barren, snow driven region with what seems like a permanent winter. The Tundra covering a majority of the Arctic Circle is abundant with water. But even with all this water, the soft, porous Earth stops pretty much anything from growing. The water does allow some wildlife to flourish. Animals in the Arctic Circle include: Fish such as trout and acrtic char, wolves, fox, caribou and muscox. Above the Tundra, the Arctic Circle becomes a frozen ocean with plenty of ice caps, which is frozen for 95% of the year. The best advantage to living in the Arctic Circle, just like the south of Antarctica, is being able to see the Northern lights almost year-round.

Landscape 1,000yrs. from now

What the Arctic Circle will be in 1k years is a major worry around the world. It is questioned whether global warming will melt the ice caps. humans are pouring out more carbon dioxide than the plants and oceans can absorb. If this does happen, the coastal cities surrounding them will flood and could potentially no longer exist. These cities are home to almost 10 million people, and would change the coastlines around the world. This isn't just a worry for humans, but animals alike. This being the home to many animals, they have adapted to their current environment. With global warming, it could put numerous animals into extinction. This of course, has a major effect in everything in our day to day life. Now, we aren't certain this isn't going to happen, but in 1,000 years we are sure the Arctic Circle isn't going to look exactly the same.

Landscape 10,000 years from now

I believe the Arctic Circle will be a much warmer place in 10k years. After global warming gets the best of this generally freezing environment, the remaining plants and animals will have adapted to this change. Since the temperature is so cold now, it will still be this way compared to most other places where humans live. A big positive that has people visiting the Arctic Circle year-round, the Northern Lights, will stay the same. Global warming does not have any effect on it.


Although very cold, the Arctic Circle is an amazing landscape that is truly unique. It would be a shame for Global Warming to do everything but completely demolish it.